March 2018

Time flies…4 short years ago, I wrote about taking our older son on a week long trip back east to visit 4 colleges that accepted him. It was just him and me. It was a great week in my life! Just a couple months from now, he will be graduating from college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science. It looks like he will be moving to San Diego for work after college and it will be nice to have him closer to home so we can see him a little more often than twice a year. My wife and I are extremely proud of him, his accomplishments, who he has turned out to be, and we are eager to see where life takes him next. Time flies…Meanwhile closer to home, our younger son, who was the little one (not so little anymore), is finishing up his first year of college with a focus on Biology and Kinesiology. I must say, I was a little concerned about how he would adjust to college life and being on his own but I’m happy to say he is doing well in his classes (actually waking up on time), enjoying the fraternity life (that’s the one I was most concerned about) and lifting weights at the gym when he can.

Time flies…Now that both of our boys are out of the house, I recently had time to look at the condition of the outside of our home and saw some of our eaves and window frames are peeling. I calculated that it’s been almost 10 years since all our wood trim has been painted. Whoops, way to long! I’ve been so focused on painting all our customers homes and buildings that I’ve neglected my own. I think it’s fairly typical that sometimes we do for others and forget about our own.

So if you’ve had a “Time Flies” or “Whoops, way to long” realization that your wood trim, wrought iron or stucco is peeling or has cracks, give your property the protection it needs with a fresh new paint job, before this year flies-by.

Estimates and consultations are free, give us a call today at 818-951-3207 or email me at

Sincerely, Greg Lewis

April 2018

January 2018